Eva of the Sucubbi almost finished!

Here is a rough cut of Eva of the Succubi. I think our team did a great job and I'm so excited that it's coming together. As a horror film, there is some gore and nudity, so perhaps NSFW.


password: Succubus

Eva of the Succubi

I just worked as production designer for Eva of the Succubi, a horror short directed by Brian Love and written by Dennison Ramalho. Production stills by Ben Rubin.

The cell where Eva is held captive

Eva's Bedroom

The Elders' Shrine

Elders' Shrine Detail

Eva's Book- created from various images in Photoshop
Eva's Book Page 2

Eva's Book Exterior

I worked as the set decorator for a period feature film, The Jew of Malta, based on a play by Christopher Marlowe. We filmed on beautiful Governor's island. I hope to have more images soon.

I Am Damien Art Direction

Just finished wrapping a short suspense film entitled I Am Damien. Photos to come!